Organic 3

Dan Corrigan | Organic 3 Inc. Founder & Visionary

Daniel Corrigan of Organic 3 is a survivor of a life-threatening intestinal condition – and creator of the unparalleled Sensitive Probiotic (formerly called GutPro®), which is helping countless others around the world heal and thrive, too.

After spending tens of thousands of dollars on various doctors and useless supplements for an entire decade, Dan concluded that you can’t regain your health without balancing your gut health. And the way to do that is through a real food diet.

Dan has given lectures on wholesome food and holistic and gut health. He’s held past leadership positions in organizations dedicated to Dr. Weston A. Price, DDS.

Dan is trained in various natural health disciplines such as acupressure, whole nutrition and autism nutrition, Feng Shui and alternative medicine. He’s also a Certified Body Ecology Coach under Donna Gates.

In these capacities, Dan has connected with parents, who asked him to create pure probiotics for their children on the spectrum with sensitivities to the ingredients and additives in commercial brands. He also helped bring the world’s only raw Cod Liver Oil to market with the Rosita® family in Norway.

Eat Well, Supplement Well, Digest Well

Dan is the author of Eat Well, Supplement Well, Digest Well — A Simple Plan for Giving Your Body the Fundamentals of Optimal Health. It’s for health-minded individuals who want an uncomplicated outline for nutrition and gut health, and those with health concerns who believe the right food can make a difference.

Dan modeled the book over everything he’s learned over the past three decades, first curing his own digestive health disease. Then, along with his colleagues, creating dietary supplements to help others live healthier lives. Inspired by the research of nutritional trailblazer Weston A. Price, it’s a mind-opening, beneficial way of eating and living to support people along their journeys to vibrant, optimal health.

Eat Well, Supplement Well, Digest Well

A simple plan for giving your body the fundamentals of optimal health.